
Return to sport after injury

Sports Physiotherapy

Got a sports injury keeping you out of your sport? Slowing you down? HerSport Physio can help take you through a detailed assessment and return to sport plan to get you back in the game! 

Each session is one-on-one where you will get a chance to share your story, what you sports injury you’ve been dealing with and what your goals are. We think communication is key in the rehab process so we are ready to listen to everything you want to share! 

Standing pelvic floor assessment for an athlete

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is not just for those who’ve been pregnant and had babies. Athletes of all ages deal with pelvic health concerns such as incontinence, prolapse symptoms or ongoing low back pain or hip pain that can impacted their training.

It doesn’t have to be “just the way it is” and you don’t have to settle.

Pelvic floor physio takes a closer look at how the pelvic floor may be contributing to your symptoms and includes a holistic full body approach to help address your concerns.

Weight lifting during pregnancy

Pregnancy & Postpartum Care

Want to stay physically active through your pregnancy and prepare for the best possible birth outcomes? HerSport Physio can help because being an athlete doesn’t have to stop when you become a parent!

With exercise guidance through pregnancy, labour and delivery prep, education, as well as postpartum physio, you will have the ground work to help you achieve your lifelong athleticism goals. 

Group physiotherapy class

Small Group Classes

Each small group class is run by a registered physiotherapist and is designed to gradually challenge you while keeping in mind any symptoms that you may be dealing with.


A small group class designed to help you prepare your pelvic floor & core for labour and delivery.

Each class will focus on mobility, strength and breathing strategies.


A six-week class designed to progress you through postpartum strengthening exercises exactly where you need it.

The focus is building a good foundation from your pelvic floor and core to full body strength. This is an excellent way to start preparing for a return to sport. 

Virtual Physiotherapy

Don’t want to leave the house with your newborn or can’t find childcare?
Don’t live in the same city?
Trouble fitting in the time with your busy schedule?

No problem! All physiotherapy services are offered in-person or via a virtual platform. 

I am very comfortable working virtually and dare I say great at it! You will come away with a full assessment and exercise plan to get you started without missing a beat.


Get started now!